21145 Whitfield Pl., Suite 102 Potomac Falls, VA 20165
Arka Family Dental

Roja Vemula, DDS


Month: January 2018

Tooth Restorations

It is important for all people to undergo necessary tooth restorations if they have a tooth that has been injured, damaged, or has suffered decay. Restorative dental procedures are done in order to give a person’s smile a second chance, and they are almost always necessary to prevent further issues within the mouth. Tooth restorations are different…

Family Dentistry

Over the past decade there has been a rise in “specific dental practices.” Pediatric dentistry, senior dentistry, general dentistry – all of these have been singled out to create dental practices that offer particular services.

Is Mouthwash Necessary?

For most people, they will tell you that they want a healthy mouth and an attractive smile; yet, are they really doing all they can to ensure that their mouth is as healthy as it can be? Many people wonder whether the use of mouthwash is necessary in achieving optimal oral health. The short answer…

Your Diet and Your Teeth

Food choices affect every area of your life. The more desserts you eat, the tighter your pants fit. The more lean meat and grilled vegetables you eat, the lower your cholesterol levels are. The more water you drink, the lower the numbers on the scale read. However, it is important to also understand that the…

What is a Dead Tooth?

It may be hard to consider, but despite your teeth being made of the hardest substance in the entire human body they can still die. Teeth require an access to constant blood flow, just like every other area of our bodies. A dead tooth, or non-vital tooth, is simply one that no longer has access…

Caring For Your Toothbrush

One of the most overlooked tools inside your home is one of the most used tools: your toothbrush. This tool is designed to clean your teeth, yet if it is not clean it may not be working very well for you. Below are simple tips for how to care for your toothbrush so that it…

How To Handle Dental Emergencies

All emergencies are stressful, traumatic, and scary no matter how young or old you are, and dental emergencies are no exception. Knowing what constitutes a dental emergency and how to handle dental emergencies when they arise is the key to ensuring that you make the best decisions when they are truly necessary. A knocked out…

What is Plaque?

Plaque buildup occurs throughout the body, causing damaging issues to people of all ages, ethnicities, and social backgrounds. Plaque buildup in the arteries is a leading cause of heart disease because the blood cannot flow freely to and from the heart. Plaque buildup that occurs inside the mouth leaves your entire oral health vulnerable to…

Dealing With Bad Breath

If you have bad breath, then you know exactly how difficult it can be to socialize and work in tight quarters. Bad breath easily travels in the air, making it hard to hide from those around you. Lifestyle changes are often all that are needed to improve the smell of your breath. Quit tobacco. If you…

Root Canals

Your permanent teeth were designed to be permanent residents of your mouth. While your teeth are made up of the hardest substance in the human body, tooth enamel, they are not invincible to injury, decay, or infection. Trauma to the tooth or jaw can lead to a tooth dying from the inside out, and severe…

Wisdom Teeth Removal

On average, a typical mouth holds 28 teeth. In the teen and early adulthood years, four additional third molars may try to erupt. These teeth are known as wisdom teeth because they come at an older age when we have gained more life experience. Though it is less common, some wisdom teeth can align properly,…

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